Ultherapy treatment | Ellacore treatment different from other

Ultherapy treatment Micro-coring technology is a one-of-a-kind type of aesthetic treatment, so unlike other popular minimally invasive procedures, Ellacor currently has no competing brands on the market. Ellacor micro-coring vs fraxel fractional laser vs therapy HIFU vs micro-needling for skin rejuvenation Ellacor significantly reduces skin sagging and wrinkles, which is already defined as a non-surgical alternative to a facelift. Although the results can be outstanding in selected patients, they obviously cannot match the results of a traditional surgical facelift. Aesthetic Clinic Newport Beach has shown many positive and good results of ellacor treatment under the supervision of its experts.
The micro-cores
The micro-cores include a part of the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, and the dermis, which lies above the subcutaneous fat layer; a facelift, on the other hand, does not only concern the skin but also the fascia and underlying muscle layer. On the other hand, there are no long recovery times, and there are lower risks of complications and fewer side effects if you compare Ellacor with a traditional surgery: the downtime of the micro-incision technique (MCT) is only around 3 days, and the treatment time is less than 30 minutes without the need for general anaesthesia. Ultherapy Newport Beach performs this procedure with the help of their competent staff.
Micro-coring technology
Furthermore, while with a facelift, there will always be a scar that the surgeon will try to hide strategically, with micro-coring technology, there does not appear to be any scar even at a histological level when observing the tissues under a microscope. Finally, since no skin pulling is done, there is no risk of unnatural-looking results of facial features being slightly shifted, such as eyebrows, or of having asymmetrical effects. According to ultherapy Newport Beach, this can be a good alternative in 40-60-year-olds to address the first signs of ageing and to avoid or at least delay invasive surgery for a while.
Micro-coring vs micro-needling
Besides the noticeable difference that microneedles do not remove any tissue from the treatment area, unlike Ellacor, which eliminates 10-12,000 micro-columns of tissue over 10-15 minutes of treatment, microneedles are also much smaller. They penetrate to a much shallower depth: microneedle diameters are generally around 100 microns, while Ellacor’s stainless steel needles have an internal diameter of 500 microns. Microneedles are often designed to penetrate only the epidermal layer of the skin, with a length of between 0.5 and 1.5 mm. At the same time, microincision needles reach the top of the hypodermis, which lies much more profound. The microneedles work by producing a minimal and controlled injury to the tissue, which causes a cascade release of growth factors and the breakdown of old collagen fibres, stimulating fibroblasts to produce new extracellular matrix and causing tissue rejuvenation. Ellacor goes much further, creating more powerful rejuvenation stimuli and adding skin contraction due to the thousands of columns of tissue removed during the treatment.
Micro-coring vs fractional laser
You might think that the Ellacor and Fraxel laser work the same way, so what would be the advantage of choosing a mechanical device over a laser energy one? In reality, the two are very different, and the only thing they have in common is the fractional skin treatment scheme. With Ellacor, there is no thermal damage to the skin, while with the laser, thermal energy is inevitably dispersed into the surrounding tissue. Furthermore, while the Ellacor device leaves a clean, empty column in the tissue that closes thanks to the applied vacuum immediately, starting the healing process, fractional lasers leave a layer of hard, damaged tissue that does not allow the wound to close: this layer it is thicker when using the CO2 laser and thinner when using an Er: YAG laser, but still there is no skin contraction with fractional lasers, unlike the micro-coring device. While fractional lasers effectively improve skin texture, sun-damaged skin and the appearance of scars, the skin-lifting effect is minimal and insignificant, making Ellacor superior in aesthetic results and tissue rejuvenation.
Indications for treatment with Ellacor
The FDA has cleared Ellacor for “the treatment of moderate to severe wrinkles in the middle and lower face.” Still, it is already used to treat skin laxity and wrinkles in other areas of the body, and indications for treatment are likely expanded. It is currently available for patients aged 22 years and older, is only indicated for Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV, and has yet to be evaluated for darker skin tones. In the future, the applications will likely be expanded: Ellacor is already being studied for the removal of tattoos, for the treatment of scars (surgical and acne, not hypertrophic or keloid) and striae and the treatment of various areas of the body such as thighs, neck, abdomen, upper arms, knees and elbows by renowned ultherapy Newport Beach specialists .
Some plastic surgeons and dermatologists have been less enthusiastic than others in welcoming this new skin rejuvenation device and believe that Ellacor has the potential to cause hyperpigmentation problems in a wide range of patients, even those with lighter complexions. Although Ellacor has been studied in clinical trials on human subjects and has obtained authorization for use by the FDA, the number of patients treated so far is still relatively low, in the order of a few hundred or a few thousand, and this is a deficient number for statistical analysis when compared to other aesthetic treatments performed on millions of patients around the world every year. Patients with a tendency to develop hyperpigmentation are advised to be cautious. ultherapy Newport Beach always recommend to use broad-spectrum sunscreen, regardless of the procedure, and it may be best to avoid sun exposure before and after treatment.
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